The Park? Today?

It’s 96°!

Against my better judgement, Avery requested we go to the park today. Being the good Gigi that I am, I agreed. I decided to pack up my sketch kit and make the best of it. Monkeybars, swings and slides offer no inspiration to me but I had dragged all my stuff out there in the 96° beastly heat so I was determined to find something to sketch on location.

I decided to zero in on this cluster of trees minus the grills of course. At least they were green and offered some contrast - and hey, I could always use some practice with painting trees.

It wasn’t long before my little sweetie decided maybe I was right, not a good day for the park! But being the thoughtful dear she is, she didn’t want to go until I finished. This sketch was done as far as I was concerned. We were packed and outta there in less than 5 miniutes!

Admittedly, I have been a lifelong reluctant on-location sketcher. Even though this is a kinda ugly sketch I learned that taking the sketchbook along even under unpleasant conditions, and actually using it was way more fun than just sitting there. I’m hooked. I’ll do it again.

07.03.24 Kewannee Park


What If?


Today’s 20 Minutes